Michael Gilbert posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 6 months ago
I hope that all my fellow space club members have a good time at CVI. I wish I could have made it there but as normal it was not to be, but I will be following all the posts as best as I can.
Michael Gilbert joined the group
Con Talk 12 years, 6 months ago
Shawn Kemple posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
A finished Luke Jedi button!
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Shawn Kemple posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
Small test run of membership cards.
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Johan posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
C6 giveaway made! 😉
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Johan posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
Hey guys, would you say that there are vintage “finds” to be made at C6? 😉
Depends on what you are after really. But yes, there is usually a TON of vintage stuff there. The dealers usually have them here there and everywhere. The main vintage guys are usually there with their booths too (Hollywood Heroes, Gallo, Tracey, Chamberlain, etc.). The room sales is where the real vintage stuff comes out to play. It’s all vintage…[Read more]
What Chris said. Between the dealers area and the room sales, there is plenty of vintage. It certainly depends on what you’re looking for too.
Josh posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
I want excessive amounts of pictures to be posted up if possible. Preferably full frontal nude ones…with descriptions…they always help.
Seriously, lot’s of pics would be good. I always like puttng faces to names, and I never get to see events like this myself, so the more pics the better.
Cheers guys and girls. -
Johan joined the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
Chris Botkins posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
[bpfb_link url=’http://www.starwars.com/news/star_wars_celebration_6_artists_3.html’ title=’StarWars.com | Celebration VI Artwork Prints: Set 3′ image=’http://www.starwars.com/img/news/c6_artists.jpg’]Don’t have a SW.com account? Register Now![/bpfb_link]
Chris Botkins posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
[bpfb_link url=’http://www.starwars.com/news/star_wars_celebration_6_artists_2.html’ title=’StarWars.com | Celebration VI Artwork Prints: Set 2′ image=’http://www.starwars.com/img/news/artists2_mdtout.jpg’]Don’t have a SW.com account? Register Now![/bpfb_link]
I think I’m going to have to really try to get one of the Jeff Carlisle prints. I find something new every time I look at it.
Yea Carlisle’s print is nice! It’s cheap too! 🙂 So far I’m attached to at least three (Proctor, Vanderstelt and Carlisle), but that could change this week when more artists are revealed!
I’m really liking the Steve Anderson and Ken Phipps prints as well.
Chris Botkins posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
I posed this question in the blog, but was wondering what everyone thought of the C6 artwork that’s been shown so far?
Here they are for those that haven’t seen them yet.
[bpfb_link url=’http://www.starwars.com/news/star_wars_celebration_6_artists_1.html’ title=’StarWars.com | First 10 Celebration VI Artwork Prints Revealed’…[Read more]
Chris Botkins posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
Here’s some information about our C6 exclusive giveaways!
[bpfb_link url=’http://swspaceclub.com/celebration/2012/07/02/getting-in-on-the-c6-exclusive-game/’ title=’
Getting in on the C6 Exclusive Game | Celebration VI Blog
‘ image=”]During Celebration 5, one of the coolest things to do was collect buttons to put on your badge lanyard. Most of…[Read more] -
Chris Botkins posted an update in the group
Con Talk 12 years, 7 months ago
I’ll have some C6 giveaway information next week! We are planning on some fun stuff! Keep an eye out for more details!
I think everyone is in for a real treat once they see what you’ve come up with. 😉 CVI is going to be a blast!
Hey guys, is it “normal” that collectors bring their own “freebees”? I will be attending my first Celebration in August! 😀
I don’t remember it at CIV, but I also didn’t know who a lot of people were at that one. At CV though there were a few, but CVI is looking to be the most ever. That’s great that you are going to make it over. Hopefully I’ll see you there.
If you see a confused guy staggering with the english it’s probably me. If they got beer I will probably have one in my right hand the whole time… 😉
Awesome Johan! I didn’t know you were coming! You’re going to be absolutely blown away! As for your question, I think it’s just something that has caught on. As Shawn said, C5 there were a few little “exclusives” being handed out by collectors (Don, Broc, Oscar, Mattias). I think this year they just caught fire though.
Yeah, it’s going to be way fun! We are a group of 5 swedes making the trip (6 including Mattias but he is CV prop so he doesn’t really count)! First to NYC for 5 days and then down to Orlando! Hopefully I’ll get the chance to meet you all! 🙂
* argh * What to bring?!
You’ll do great mate! We’ll find you and take you around. Don’t worry! 🙂
Just be prepared for little to no sleep and lots of walking! 😀 Oh, and heat and humidity! LOL!
Gator repellent. Don’t forget it. Otherwise you better take a swamp person with yah….or one of their wives, they’re tougher.
Have fuin you lucky duck.
Shawn Kemple created the group
Con Talk 12 years, 8 months ago