Well, well. Here we are, about 12 hours to go until we depart for Orlando! I feel like a kid before Christmas, nervous, anxious and most of all excited!!!
We have our bags packed, all 5 of them. One of the most interesting parts of this trip is trying to figure out how to transport 1500 (or 41 pounds) or Manatee proof cards down to C6. We’ve devised a plan that involves 2 carry-ons, a messenger bag, Aimee’s purse and my work laptop bag. I’m not kidding you when I say my carry-on bag weighs more than my checked bag!
Some of you might be asking why we are traveling with them? Well… Good question. 🙂 I guess part of it is some responsibility to ensure they arrive safe and sound. And part of it is not fully trusting the post office. And the other part would be we are just a tad stingy!!!! 😉
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Signing off for now. I’m going to try and get some rest so I travel day can get here faster. Happy travel day eve everyone!